Liquid Castile Soap by Groomatorium



Product Details

Available in a huge 32oz bottle, or our more manageable 8oz "glue bottle" :)

Scented with 100% natural, and even beneficial, essential oils - scents available are Tea Tree, Eucalyptus, Orange (this smells just like orange juice - perfect for morning showers), Lavender, or Peppermint (chilly, especially in sensitive areas).

Perfect for bath, body, beard, and hair: this is a natural soap product - not unlike Dr Bronner's style of soap.  If you are familiar with natural liquid soaps you know what to expect (except ours is better of course 😃), if not, be aware that this is not a body wash.  As the title suggests - this is a liquid soap, as it's 100% natural and no gelling agents were used, this is a fairly runny liquid, even though it is highly concentrated.

Store-bought body wash is made with detergents, not soap.  Since our product is a handmade soap, and will leave you feeling clean and smelling fantastic, it will not create the mountains of lather that a detergent will, nor will it create the slick slimy feel while applying that is provided by wetting agents in commercial body washes.  This is just a pure soap that we handmake with 100% natural ingredients.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
John Mosca
It's like Dr. Bonner's on steriods

Or maybe Dr. Bronner meets Chuck Norris. I like this soap so much I bought the 32 oz. bottle. Nice peppermint kick, cleans well and washes off quickly and completely. Contains what real men use: lye. Not wimpy sodium hydroxide. Few ingredients too. Try it.

Ernest B
Best Soap Ever

I recently purchased the castile soaps. I love them. Excellent lather, strong natural scents. My favorite is the lavender, which I use before going to bed. It fills my room with the scent of lavender which also helps me to relax and sleep deeply. I have used the bar soaps and love them too. But because I travel, I wanted a liquid soap. Now Groomatorium has it, and I'm making the switch for my whole household. We all love it!

Beowulf's Cousin
Excellent all around soap

I've been using this regularly for a couple of months now and am impressed. I bought the Eucalyptus in the big bottle. With a loofa you can get a healthy lather provided you add enough soap. You can also get good performance out of a washcloth, but there will be much less lather. I use about the same amount as I would with a standard body wash- maybe a smidgen less. The fragrance is very strong and yes it lingers a bit but not enough to interfere with your aftershave or cologne. I have actually used this soap to clean hard surfaces in the kitchen as well. Excellent all around performance.

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