Chiseled Face - Summer Storm Liquid Soap



Product Details

We got many requests and did a lot of research.  Finally, Chiseled Face liquid soap is here.  Perfect for bath, body, beard, and hair: this is a natural soap product - not unlike Dr Bronner's style of soap.  If you are familiar with natural liquid soaps you know what to expect (except ours is better of course πŸ˜ƒ), if not, be aware that this is not a body wash.

Body wash is a detergent, not a soap.  As such while our product will leave you feeling clean and smelling fantastic, it will not create the mountains of lather that a detergent will, or the slick slimy feel while applying that is provided by wetting agents in commercial body washes.  This is just a pure soap that we handmake with natural ingredients, then scent with the scents that you know and love.

This product can get cloudy, and may separate slightly - especially in cold weather.  A quick shake will fix this.  It's perfectly normal.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Beowulf's Cousin
This one is for slow showers

Beware! This one smells of earth, cut grass, and ozone. You may feel a stirring in the nether regions. It is as advertised an olfactory slide show of a summer storm, also a great tutorial on scent for those with a blunt nose. To start it hits hard with wet clean earth. You may question whether the shower is a counterproductive endeavor, carry on.. After a few minutes of lathering fresh cut grass predominates. Wet grass, the kind that can tickle the nose.. The grass slowly fades into a subtle ozone. After drying you are left smelling faintly of ozone, fresh earth, and renewal. Performance wise the soap is better than most castile soaps but falls short of tallow based soaps in both lather and post rinse moisture. That may not be a fair comparison. Steak vs. broccoli..

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