LA Shaving Soap Co - Blackfern Vegan Shaving Soap



Product Details

Blackfern is our take on a floral fougere. 

The scent (made, as always, with natural plant essential oils and extracts) has notes of floral lavender and geranium rounded out with patchouli and labdanum, with hints of clove and eucalyptus and orange and peppermint, which results in a very pleasant fresh scent!

This is something pretty special.

Please note that this is our new French red clay base with activated charcoal, which provides excellent slickness and post-shave that rivals any tallow soap while remaining true to our vegan roots.  This base needs a little less water than a lot of other soaps on the market, so load using a damp brush then add water to the point where a thick creamy slick lather is achieved.

Ingredients: Stearic Acid, Palm Kernel Oil, Potassium Hydroxide, Glycerin, Shea Butter, Castor Oil, Water, Aloe Vera Juice, Essential Oils (Lavender Essential Oil, Patchouli Essential Oil, Geranium Essential Oil, Bergamot Essential Oil, Labdanum Absolute (in Sunflower Oil), Peppermint Extract, Clove Bud Essential Oil, Orange Extract, Eucalyptus Essential Oil, Vetiver Essential Oi), French Red Clay, Activated Charcoal, Sodium Lactate, Allantoin (comfrey plant).

4oz of shaving soap in an 8oz container

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Frank V

Very nice shave soap! Super slick and clean post shave feel. Not sure what a true fougere smells like but this has a nice β€œclean, green, earthy” scent to it with lavender leading the notes to my nose. Charcoal is a nice addition for the skin. Lathers up easily and quickly. Don’t need much water with this. Lather does have a dark sheen to it due to the charcoal in it but it didn’t stain anything in my bathroom. Post shave feels excellent. Skin feels soft and moisturized just right. Great product thank you!

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