
undefinedBaili BR171 Double Edge Safety Razor DE
Baili BR171 Double Edge Safety Razor DE



The Baili BR71, a modern Gillette tech clone with a nicely contoured handle. Great razor at a rock bottom price. No box or packing to provide you the lowest price possible. * Baili Double...

    undefinedBaili BR172 Double Edge Safety Razor
    Baili BR172 Double Edge Safety Razor



    The Baili BR72 a modern Gillette tech clone with a sleek heavy handle. Great razor at a rock bottom price. Sold under private labels on other sites for up to $40! (clicking link will...

      undefinedBaili BR179 Double Edge Twist to Open (Butterfly) DE Safety Razor
      Baili BR179 Double Edge Twist to Open (Butterfly) DE Safety Razor



      The Baili BR279 is a great modern 1 piece razor for a rock bottom price. No box or packing to provide you the lowest price possible. * Baili Double Edge Series * Butterfly twist...

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